Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

There Is Going To Be A Good Show....

The Christmas/Easter cactus is dripping in buds.
4 more here.

I went out to the garage with a plan ...... 
It went by the wayside when I caught my toes on a chink of wood and there was a load of wood fell over and sent up a huge cloud of dust.
The place is still a disaster but I have got rid of a whole lot of scraps and sh*t pine and now have nearly twice the width to 'walk' down between all the 'stuff'.
Later I got round to doing what I had planned (converting an old wooden car gearstick into a small vase) and also converted a broken 'goblet' into a small drinking vessel/large shot 'glass'.

There was a small shopping done and a visit to Bags' house to check on the cats and put the bins out.
It was then home where I put out our neighbours bins (they are also away on holiday) as well as ours.

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