
By LincolnWarrior

Super Star

A mixed weather day today and few blip opportunities . While down the yard I spotted this pile of paving slabs one of the yard lads had stacked in the yard so just had to grab a shot for a possible blip shot.
After work home and changed a trip  to go visit Mum who I have not seen for a few weeks due to her and my sister having had Covid and then Mum still been under the weather . It was great to see her but she is struggling to hear at the moment as she  has lost hearing in 1 ear and her hearing is not the best in the other ear so I had to be close to her and on the left of her to talk with her. She is waiting to see an ear specialist to see what has caused it but she had her appointment cancelled so has now got to wait till next week.
After leaving it was dark and a  bit on the damp side but not raining so was pleased to have got this shot for a blip.
Back home now and watching  general TV 

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