Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Plus ça change ...

When my granddaughters were small they spent most of the October holidays visiting Dunoon, sometimes without their parents, usually with. But every time they come, one activity has remained a constant. Not hiding between the big trees in Benmore Gardens, fun though that was, not building fires on a chilly, deserted October seashore, much as Grandma enjoyed that, but making jam tarts at my pal Di's (she is much more of a domestic goddess than I am and makes pastry without turning a hair.) So my main photo today celebrates that tradition with a photo taken exactly 10 years ago (left) and one from today, in the same kitchen, with the same people present. We ate them as soon as they were cool enough, and their father and his father/my husband/Himself turned up in time to have one too. 

Before that, Anna had asked me if there were any shops in the area that sold ... yarns. This past year she has taught herself to crochet and her world is full of objects, blankets and garments made by herself - including the black and white top she's wearing in the photos. I have never darkened the door of this shop in Kirn, but I knew it was there, so on the way to Di's we called in at Jinty & Baa to buy an early birthday present. It was a wonderful, inspired move; Anna was thrilled; she became instantly involved in deep discussion with the owner while I sat on a sofa and chatted to a patient customer who remembered me from somewhere ... ah yes, the school ... The extra photo shows a moment of deep thought and choosing; we left with a huge bag of different colours, including a free bag of yarns that had been waiting for the right person to come along ...

And then I made dinner with a chicken I'd gone out for in the morning, and roast potatoes and parsnips and carrots and pears in honey and sinfully luxurious yogurt - all after we'd opened a bottle of champagne and toasted the day. 

Now it's 01.49am, insanely late even for me. I have in mind a scene from Twelfth Night involving Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew Aguecheek and some sack and being up late being up betimes ... but enough is enough!

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