
By tridral

Hongian gan edefyn o gyd-ddigwyddiad

Hongian gan edefyn o gyd-ddigwyddiad ~ Hanging by a thread of coincidence

“What does the artist do? He draws connections. He ties the invisible threads between things. He dives into history, be it the history of mankind, the geological history of the Earth or the beginning and end of the manifest cosmos.”
― Anselm Kiefer, (Falling Stars, 1995)

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Sylwais ar y ddeilen hon yn dawnsio yn yr awyr. Mae'n gyd-ddigwyddiad bod deilen cwympo yn ffeindio edefyn o we pry copyn, ond gyda llawer o dail a llawer o bryfed cop, dydy hi ddim rhy syndod.

Mae fideo gyda fi hefyd:
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I noticed this leaf dancing in the air. It's a coincidence that a fallen leaf found a thread of a spider's web, but with lots of leaves and lots of spiders, it's not too surprising.

I also have a video:
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Deilen ar edefyn o we prycopyn
Description (English): A leaf on a thread of a spider web
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