
By RadioGirl

Birthday Flowers

Back to normal today, with communion and coffee this morning. After popping into Tesco for essential top-ups, and a bit of lunch, I called my brother-in-law. We had a great catch up on all sorts, and I let him know to expect a document in the post from the probate solicitor for him to sign (he is one of the trustees of my parents’ will trusts). This will finally release the bungalow from the family trust so that I can legally have the entire property registered in my sole name, and then the solicitor will close down the trusts. Hopefully that will be the end of all the legal stuff, but of course you can never be certain of that….

These are the flowers I was given by my sister and my niece yesterday, which really cheer the room up with their bright colours. I’ve just added an Extra of the beautiful sky at sunset as seen from my lounge.

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