Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Shrivering and Sizzling

Late this afternoon Mr. Fun found this itty bitty lizard in the pool. He was not shrivering, so we thought the little guy was dead. Then he wiggled. I wasn't in the pool yet so he was handed to me to place him in the sun to warm-up. It only took him 5 minutes or so to revive in our almost 100 degree heat. Then I put him on the ground and he was gone.

After getting home from church late morning, it has been a "do-nothing" day. The first summer heat wave has now arrived. It's been sizzling here today. So far it is a mild heat wave compared to some we've experienced in the past when temps have climbed to over 110. We're voting that it stays mild.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie & Mr. Run, aka Carol

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