A call from school
I was mid way through a meeting when the phone went, it was the school number. I called back pretty quickly and was put through to the safe guarding lead. The youngest class had been discussing bed time routines, she explained, and the youngest then told his teacher that last night, as he was falling asleep, I had drawn a sharp object across his wrists, and the youngest had said that he didn't trust what had happened. I had to smile, and explain what had happened. And yes, the youngest had said those words before finally falling asleep. But in fact, what I did was dab some essential oils on his wrists as he was struggling to sleep, it was in a bottle with a roller ball to release the oils, and I'd been given it at an event I went to on Monday. Which, I guess if half asleep, and a cold liquid is spread on your wrists, it could feel sharp. So that will go down in family history with a smile.
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