
By amandoAlentejo

Sunshine After Rain

A thumbnail of what I saw as I looked out the door this morning - and deliberately decided it would be my only photo of the day - so I wouldn't be agonising over which beauty to choose at the end of what I knew would be a busy day.

Walked into town for coffee with Steph, who unloaded the whole Théo and Analie story, wow, people are complicated - and fascinating - and amazing.

Got more stars (and a comet) cut and pasted and panels painted, and stars (and a comet) unstuck and cleaned up.

And made lunch.

Dinner in Safara at Dan and Mireille's, and then a film they chose: "A Monster Calls" (good review here), about a 12yr old boy and a fantasy monster (his own anger/God??), whose mother is dying of cancer, slightly terrifying and very moving, and true about relationships and grief - and weirdly, much the same message as Intermezzo, that I read recently.

- beauty; the light at the moment is magical
- Mireille's delicious cooking, and their hospitality
- being involved, albeit virtually, with our gorgeous grandkids

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