Every Little Step

By moonfairy


We took Molly out for an afternoon walk just after 4pm.

We pretty much do the same walk every afternoon.  And it's an area I often walk on my own too.

We were walking back and had just passed a lady walking in the other direction, chatting away as we do, when Alexandra said ' whoa, whoa, whoa.'

'What' I said, having no idea what was wrong, and then I saw it.

An Eastern Brown snake slithering towards us.

I must admit I panicked, I didn't quite scream, but I made some very loud noises.

We stood still and so did Molly (I don't think she saw it), and it turned around and slid away.

I'm just grateful Molly wasn't walking in the grass on that side of the path otherwise she might have stepped on it.  If it had bitten her, it probably would've killed her.

I hate snakes.  It took me a long time to agree to come to Australia because of my fear of them.

Although in my 36 years of living here I haven't actually seen that many.

I'm glad Alexandra was with me when we saw it and that I wasn't on my own.

All she was concerned about was that she didn't think to take a photo of it!!

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