
By isbi

Two Friends and Three Sisters

The son and his partner of Phil and Heather, our good friends in Tasmania, are visiting the mountains and we enjoyed showing them around. They did similar for us on our recent visit to Coffs Harbour. 
Fortunately the weather, though overcast, behaved. I feared it was going to be a repeat of the MartinDawe and Annie tour.
They had seen the obligatory Three Sisters so we just drove by this alternate, non tourist view. 
Checked out a couple of other Katoomba lookouts and then headed for the real stuff in Blackheath - Govetts Leap, Anvil Rock and Hargraves Lookout. The road to Pulpit Rock is closed. Hopefully they are doing it up as well as they have the one to Anvil Rock.
After that we headed down for a late lunch at the farm then took them home via the western side of the valley when the views are quite different.
Having spent little time in Blackheath recently I was pleased to see how good the town is looking with all the azaleas and rhododendrons blooming.
It's raining again now.

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