Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


I was up and about early because today is Weigh-in day at my Slimming World class.  I like to go to the 8 o’clock group (a) because I know everyone there and (b) it gets it over with before I start my day!

The news for me was not the best this morning, but as one of my Blip friends said yesterday, “I may be down, but I’m not out!”  So I am going to take a leaf out of her book today and shout that out and shout it loud!

I was looking around for something pink at the class and when I looked down at my feet and saw the pink socks and then at Louise’s bag, there was my Blip!  So thanks to Louise for unwittingly giving me my Blip today - and for the chat after class, which really encouraged me, as well as the chat from Sharon.  

The weather is beautiful today, with some sunshine and just a gentle breeze, and there is some blue sky too - so despite a small gain, and taking comfort from the weather, which has been grotty, but is much better today, I am going to content myself with the fact that life is not always plain sailing, as many of you are aware, but a series of ups and downs, otherwise how boring it would be!  

In fact, when I got home I was listening to Woman’s Hour when we were told that over 1,000 patients with advanced breast cancer are unable to access a drug on the NHS that can keep them alive for longer.  It is available in 19 countries in Europe including in Scotland but not in the rest of the UK.  The drug can give patients with a specific type of incurable breast cancer an extra 6 months to live, on average.  The Health Assessment body, NICE, is the only organisation around the world to say “No” to the drugs for this condition - it says it is too expensive for the NHS to fund.  

We then heard an interview between the BBC Health Correspondent and Kate, one of the women affected by this decision.  It was a very moving interview, with Kate being near to tears on several occasions and I was very moved by this interview.  If you want to hear more, you can catch it here on BBC SOUNDS.  It is virtually the first interview, so easy to access.

It was particularly poignant because as you all know by now, this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and for that reason, I am still asking you to continue CLICKING on this LINK, so that those who cannot afford to have a mammogram, may have a free one.

Your clicking does make a difference, perhaps not in the UK, where we are able to have a free mammogram until our 70th birthday - but can request one after that - but in places where people have to pay for healthcare, this is particularly important.

Hope you all have a great weekend, whatever you are doing - and let’s hope the weather will be kind to us all.  M xx 

P.S.  I went up to bed last night after Mr. HCB, but when I saw there was a full moon and knowing that October’s full moon is called a Hunter’s Moon, I got out my BIG Canon camera and took several shots of the moon, which was very bright, but went downstairs and took them from the garden.  I apologise that this was taken yesterday, or last night at 11.25 p.m. but I have been honest and put the date and time on the shot.  Interestingly, I also saw some white and red lights in the sky, and having looked up what these might be when I got back indoors, think that it could have been one of Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites.  

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