
By Veronica


The weather has been terrible for the last couple of days. It certainly hasn't been as bad as other parts of France, but the wind and intermittent rain weren't ideal for the traditional fête to celebrate the vin nouveau. There isn't really room in the very small bar for even the few people who turned up, so people were spread between the bar, the library (just across the street), and the rarely used cave cooperative tasting room (blip). There were even a few hardy smokers outside in the spitting rain. It didn't exactly have the ambiance of last year's dancing in the street.

In addition it's difficult to go to an event involving wine and charcuterie when you're not allowed to drink wine or eat charcuterie. I admit I did have a couple of small glasses and ate some of the raw vegetables and a bit of the ham on S's plate, but I had to have a bowl of lentils when I got home. The wine, by the way, was pretty good, better than last year's; I may be biased as it was the first glass of wine I've had for six weeks.  All in all, a low key event; we were home by nine.

Diet news: I may record a total 5 kg loss when I weigh in tomorrow!

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