
By TheOttawacker

Outside the school, railings have appeared

It is something of a truism in our house that if Ottawacker Jr. has been away from school, within the first two days of his return we will have to pull him out again and take him for an appointment somewhere. And so it was today. This time he had an afternoon visit to the dentist, scheduled six months ago, obviously, and so we were crawling through the traffic along Hunt Club in a vain attempt to arrive on time. He has been losing his milk teeth at an alarming rate of late, so I am not sure he was looking forward to the visit. Disappointingly, despite there being a new dentist, it was a short and cursory visit, with little to report. He may have looked a little smug on the way home – it was hard to say, because I was avoiding the psychopaths in their cars traveling along Baseline.
As I picked him up, I parked in the school lot and noticed the erection of new railings everywhere. Not quite sure what they are for. The kids will be able to escape easily enough through the park to the back. Perhaps the province, having cut one of the teaching positions in the school two weeks into term, necessitating a re-org of classes and adding eight kids to Ottawacker Jr.’s class, feels that railings are a good substitute for educators? Who can tell. That sleazeball Stephen Lecce, provincial minister of Education and all-around wanker, has ideas that defy logic at the best of times.
Earlier in the day, I had had a long and frustrating fight with a new scanner. I completely failed to install it and am on the point of driving back down Baseline to return it to Best Buy. My advice, for anyone who listens, is this: never buy an Asus laptop; never use Microsoft products; never buy an Epson scanner. At least two of those should be feasible.
Decided to have Indian for dinner. That, too, was a mistake.

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