Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


You may recall that several weeks ago I posted an image of two of these bugs (younger ones) who looked like they were doing something a bit naughty - see HERE.  I also posted some new (to me) information about the species and the fact that they migrate (who knew???). Well, most of them have molted into their adult form by now and left, although a few handfuls are still hanging around.  I spotted this one on a small milkweed seedling that I started this year - it's quite a ways from the remains of my other milkweed so I know it flew to this plant.  I would like to think that it is waiting for tomorrow's warm weather to take flight, off to wherever it is going.  In this shot, he was hanging on the leaf with his underside facing me - I've never seen what the belly of the milkweed bug looks like, so mystery solved!

I had a virtual yoga class today (Peg joined me from upstate NY) and had a great practice.  Then some play time with Jax, some errands, some chores and now the end of the day is approaching.  We are having virtual dinner with Peg tonight which will be great fun.  I will set up my Mac across the table from Hubs and I and it will be almost as good as having her right there at the table with us.  We plan to have our respective dinners ready at 7 PM and will enjoy dinner, convo and laughs.  I love that we can do this.

A friend of Hubs' is going to be coming over tomorrow for an overnight visit, so I need to do some tidying up tomorrow ahead of his arrival.  Fortunately, I had just put fresh linens in the guest rooms so at least that is done.  He isn't really a dog person, but that won't stop Jax from making a big fuss over him.  Hey, you visit our house, you visit our pets!  And if you sit on our sofa, you will very likely be sharing it with Jax.  

Headed for another beautiful day tomorrow.  


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