just be

By justbe


Black cats only became part of  the witch stereotype in Victorian times.  The first witch’s cat to hit the headlines (in a 16th century newspaper) was a white spotted cat, called Satan. Satan belonged to Elizabeth Francis, from Essex, who was accused of using the cat to punish a lover who refused to marry her.
Francis is also accused of sending the cat to neighbours she didn't like, causing them to fall ill or die. Elizabeth was accused of witchcraft in 1566 but was spared hanging.
~University of Exeter

If you’re really feeling the holiday spirit this Halloween, consider adopting a black cat from an animal shelter or rescue service. Due to latent superstition, studies have shown that black cats are much less likely to be adopted compared with other fur colors. By adopting a black cat, you may rescue an animal who may otherwise not have found a loving owner. However, some shelters will not adopt-out a black cat immediately before Halloween. 

We adopted two  black cats and they have healed our broken hearts from the losses of all of our previous cats. But, I do miss Raspberry who was the best feline Halloween model ever.

For The Record,
This day came in sunny and a bit warmer than the weather we have had recently.

All hands happy it's the weekend.

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