All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Wind down time

Ethan has been asking to come out for a run with me for some weeks now. So, after I'd completed a 5k run this evening I took him out for a mini run. We went as far as my friend Lesley's house to drop off a present for her 4 day old daughter. I was just planning on putting the card through her door and leaving the pressie on the door handle, but she spotted us and asked us in. So lovely to have newborn baby snuggles ... aaah! And Ethan got to see his pal Logan briefly too, although he was sleeping when we got there,

After we left, we finished our run. Overall Ethan managed just over 2k with a mix of running and walking plus the stop in the middle. He seemed to enjoy it, although he told me "this running is quite hard work mummy"!

Time on the ipad when we got back and then hubbie put Ethan to bed while I caught up on the Royal baby birth coverage on the tv.

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