Capital adventures

By marchmont


The day didn't start well, rain outside and my insides were playing up but it improved. After another long, chatty breakfast we walked up to the centre for coffee and a cake in the Basil and Blue cafe's outside patio. On the way in we passed some Morris dancers and it transpired they were doing a display outside the church so on the way back we stopped and watched and the sun came out. 

Next was a perusal of the craft fair in the village hall and purchases were made. The silversmith is about to move north from Bracknell to Insch. Think he was surprised to meet anyone who'd heard of it.  Back at the house there was some lunch more chat and then H drive me to Woking for the train. Fortuitously the first one was the non stop to Waterloo so via the steps of the Northern line and the step free Elizabeth line I was in the Hub by 4.30. I have to say that after 6 years it felt like coming home. 

Had a long rest, punctuated by the AC leaking and eventually met Dame B at Chez Elles. We had a great meal and a stupendously long catch up. She is planning to move back to Edinburgh. Less happily she has had some health scares, a fall down an escalator and an Alzheimer's diagnosis. We didn't dwell on it but I am very sad for her. 

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