Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Hole in the Wall: storm sky looming..

We team cycled down to Hole in the Wall. That is Ella, Sam, Beau and I. Inspired by the team work in the tour de france, we paced each other out to the river. It's the best way actually of getting the best cycling out of children. They feel important taking the leading pace position, then dropping back and letting a sibling take over and pass to the front.

Leadership took over , when I was asked to stop taking pictures when a clap of thunder hit over head. "Just one more...." The team shouted "no" and "do you want to get stuck by lightning?".

I thought about that at the back of the team group on the way home. Would the bike tyres earth the lighting or would we get frazzled? We cycled faster on the way home! X

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