Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


We had a great service at Church this morning with some good songs, including a new one, “Christ is Enough for Me” which you can listen to HERE if you wish.  You might be surprised because towards the end, an old song is woven into this new one - something which song writers seem to do these days - and it works quite well, I think!

Before the service, I spotted that T’s hair was beautifully done with pink beads, so of course, asked her Mum if I could use it for part of my Blip today.  She kindly said I could and I told her that I wouldn’t put T’s face in the shot, but she said that was fine, so without more ado, and seeing that T had a beautiful pink star on her skirt, asked if she would stand for me so that I could take a photograph, which she did.  You can see she is holding a small velvet bag in her right hand, which is used for people to give their offerings, but these days, most pay through their banks, but there are still a few who like, and prefer, to put money into the bag and obviously T had been asked to do this at the relevant point in the service. 

The other smiley face is of our friend, Louise - who nearly always has a smile on her face - and having taken a shot of her beautiful scarf, I then turned the camera towards her - I have put the best shot in here, although she did pull a couple of funny faces!  I then noticed that her nails, which always look beautiful - well they would because she is a nail technician - hope that’s the right name - were painted dark pink, so they had to be in the Blip today too.  I do aspire to have nails like this and they are her own, I hasten to add - but not sure I would be able to type as fast as I do if my nails were this long!

We heard a great sermon from Steve Henderson - unfortunately, he wasn’t wearing anything pink, otherwise he would have had his photograph taken too!  I should have asked him to wear a pink tie, but he did preach at very short notice, so perhaps best I didn’t put more stress on him!  He was brilliant and is always so enthusiastic, he really inspires me - and I know lots of others feel the same.  One of the things he told us to do at the end of the service was to “go out and sparkle” so that will be my mantra this week - I’m going to sparkle wherever and whenever I can!

Following his sermon, Steve led Communion and you can see some of the bread and wine and also the cross, which of course, is central to our Christian Faith.  There is also a beautiful banner - we are so blessed to have so many around our Church walls and this is one I particularly like.

So - I didn’t need to go out into the garden and take any of our pink flowers - there was enough at Church to fulfil my need for pinkness and lots of it.  

During the service I sat next to A a new lady who came last week, and who I said was Romanian.  I thought that some of the songs may be quite new to her, so managed to find the lyrics for several of them, put them into Google Translate and then copy the Romanian words into my Notes app, so that she could sing the songs in her own language.  I noticed she was singing anyway, but she caught hold of my hand afterwards and said “Thank you very much”, so I was glad I was able to help her.  

And now our turn to help others - please continue to CLICK on this LINK so that those who cannot afford to pay for a mammogram may have a free one - thank you so much to all those who are clicking regularly - it will mean so much to so many people.  

Hope you all have a great week, whatever you are doing and in Steve’s words, “GO OUT AND SPARKLE!”  M xx

P.S.  This is the chorus of the song - perhaps I should learn it in the Romanian version:

Hristos îmi este suficient Christ is enough for me
Hristos îmi este suficient Christ is enough for me
Tot ce am nevoie este în tine Everything I need is in you
Tot ce am nevoie. Everything I need

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