Gaia's Child

By maura143

And...They're Back...

In our neighborhood we have a very small committee (flock) of Turkey Vultures who are year-round residents.They don't migrate and are apparently happy consuming road kill and foodstuff long past its expiration date. Each year the population of Turkey Vultures increases  explodes,  seemingly overnight and exponentially! 
A week ago I noticed maybe 10-12 of the usual vultures flying in to roost for the night in the tall oak trees still remaining.They will spend the night in the tall pines if they have to, but I think they prefer the oaks. 
Yesterday at dusk Fletcher and I were treated to the sight of hundreds of Turkey Vultures soaring on the windy updrafts above us. Not all of them will spend their winter in our immediate area (thankfully). I only had my phone but I was able to take some rather cool video as well as a few shots of the spectacular sunset w/vultures. The photo of the single Vulture on top of a light pole was taken this morning during our walk. 
We also are beginning to see Black Vultures returning for their winter stay. Check the *extra for a photo of a Black Vulture. m

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