My garden
The wind is horrendous out there...
I would love to watch waves on the sea in this kind of wind...
I received a jury summons today, and it requires me to attend in December.
No way would I be able to do that because of my disabilities, mainly my deafness. Also, apparently you cannot go to the toilet during the jury session. There's absolutely no way I could last that long. When I need a wee, I need to go NOW. And so I have been writing explaining my disabilities. But they certainly do not fit in the 1 and 1/2 by 6 inch box, unless maybe if I use a very fine mapping pen...
Nighttime wildlife videos...
YouTube played me up again, wasted over an hour of my time because I got "error message" each time I tried to post. My frustration was massive trying to do this. It is not worth it. I will try a few more times, however, and then s*d YouTube if this continues.
It was a few hours later before it accepted the title of "Badgers & Cats", so many tries, so many "error messages". And it would not let me write a description in the description box.
36 secs
Creative...another little scene from my garden, a castle....
Hope you had a good day...
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