This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Reality blip...

Ho Hum.. I spent yesterday in bed with a fever of 102 and today I expect more of the same. While in bed, an email came through that one of my galleries is closing. So now I have to go get 40 paintings from them as soon as possible. That gallery is about 3.5 hours a way and I don't have room for all of them in my car. Another gallery I am represented by is now for sale, so we can see where that is heading... So many galleries are closing. (I lost two last year as well)

Thursday night I have a paying gig as a speaker to an art club, and I am not sure what I plan to say. I just hope I feel better by then...

Sorry- no real etherwash- just my life today..

But, on the bright side it has been 10 years since I graduated from art school, and I am still painting, still selling, and still making my living as an artist. I am beating the odds.

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