Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce


Despite the very late/early night there's no rest for the wicked, especially not at this time of year. 

I made two batches of candles (for me) and about 300 tealights (for Simba). The boxes and belly bands for my new soaps arrived today and the proofs for the labels to pull it all together have been finalised. Hopefully, I can't start packaging and photography to be able to get them on sale from tomorrow. 

Although a surprisingly productive day I did manage to shrink a cashmere jumper to doll size after failing to spot and remove it from both the wash and tumble dry stages of the laundry - to be fair I'm surprised that was the only cock up as all cylinders were definitely not optimal today :)  

Update - just remebered that the Edinburgh Outdoors podcast I did last month went live today, if anyone's interested, some of you did ask (it's about 15mins long and I won't be offended if you pass  :)

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