Living my dream

By Mima


It's the annual photo of kakabeak flowers. The tree next to my huge water tank is blooming nicely, and is enjoying the attentions of the Bellbirds much of the day. 

While areas further inland have been basking in warm sunshine, the coastal mist and mizzle has whooshed up the valley and covered us with coolth and gloom for most of the day.

Fortunately I was in town all morning and didn't feel it was a waste of time - as I always do on sunny days, no matter how important my mission. 

This time I was in the big orange warehouse for ages, selecting plants for K's hanging baskets, pots and troughs which I plant up every spring. It is mostly petunias, and various other beauties too. Her favourites.

Despite a positive forecast the weather has remained unremarkable all day, so rather than battle with damp grass and weeds I decided to have a kitchen afternoon. 

I collected a churn of milk then pasteurised it. I made a batch of yoghurt. Then it was a choice of making crackers, or mayo and meringues. 

Bean supervised closely.

A very long term and close friend is coming to stay at the end of the week and I intend to do as little as possible while she's here, other than talk and talk. So I am preparing as much as I can before she arrives, both in terms of food and in terms of garden jobs. 

Perhaps I'll have a couple of days off while she's here? Hold the front page!

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