Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Fall decor

I set the lovely mums I received as a hostess gift yesterday on the front porch along with an orange bucket and painted pumpkins. I am not one to do seasonal decorating but this looks very “autumn”!

The pumpkins are some from three years ago. They dried out inside so I refreshed them with orange paint last year. They could use another coat of orange but I kind of like the imperfections.

Had a two mile walk early today and did some errands. It is really warm, almost hot. Summer just keeps showing up. Leaves are still green here too

Keeping the people in NC and TN in my mind. So much work to be done. How do you cope when not only your house is gone but the land that it stood on is not there? When you don’t have your drivers license for id or your bank card? Your medicines? Your photos of your family? Your car? All your clothes and household things? It has been almost a month and progress is being made with getting roads open and drivable. Getting power and water. People in the country have wells that won’t work without power. Houses left standing are being cleaned out and sanitized. Mold and mildew are very real problems. Every wet thing is stacked in the yards or by the edge of roads or driveways for pickup by dump trucks sometime in the future. Mostly neighbors are helping neighbors. Volunteers and organizations like Samaritans Purse. Funerals are being held. They are still looking for people or bodies. The death count is not being talked about because it will be in the 1000s. It has been 26 days.

It is nice weather in NC right now but as November comes it will get cold and stay cold until March or April. And it will rain again. Or snow.

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