
By cracker


I went over to Bron's house just after 6 this morning to pick up the kids. I was worried Joti was going to wake up and expect milk and freak out when I wasn't there but she was absolutely fine! She had murmured a couple of times in the night then woke up just after 5 so Bron put her in bed with her and Joti went back to sleep until 6! It's great to know so hopefully Kaz and I can have a night to ourselves again soon!

Fleur looked after Joti today and Kaz and I did the BAS together then Kaz left for the Reno house at midday and I did a bit more work then was falling asleep so had a nap in bed!!

Spence had swimming after school, Teddy, Harry, Dom and Angelique also swim after Spence so they all play. Today Spence had a berko when we had to leave, not listening, running away from me so I ended up grabbing his arm and pulling him out! He was calling me 'really bad' (in a 5 year old's eyes!) words like 'dummy' and a 'fool'. I told him he had lost tv when we got home and there was no dessert or books before bed.

He calmed down in the car and was fine by the time we got home and we had a chat about how rude and disrespectful he had been. I told him that I loved my lovely boy which he always is and didn't like this boy I had seen and he agreed he would listen and be lovely for the rest of the day!

He spent the rest of night doing everything right and being very lovely. At one point he asked me whether he had 'unlocked' tv or dessert yet! I laughed and told him that he had unlocked books before bed! It's funny how their minds work! Like it was a video game that he could unlock things in!

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