The Way I See Things


Guitar lesson

L brought the Boy Wonder over for a visit today, and H trekked down from the Frozen North to join us as well. The Boy had been ill in the night, owing to a surfeit of party food yesterday, and he wasn't on best form, but by dint of tag teaming whenever a strop looked like setting in we still managed to have a good day. 

Between lunch and dinner I suggested a walk around the village, and having checked the weather in the back garden ("The grass is dry. We will not need wellies.") B accepted the proposal. "Are we all going?" I asked. "No," he replied firmly. "You can come, and you," - pointing at R, "but everyone else has to stay here. Only two adults are allowed to come on the adventure." Luckily it turned out to be a short adventure, or R and I would probably have returned home on our hands and knees.

In this photo the Boy is explaining to H - who is a professional musician - how to play the guitar.

R: C6, D4.

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