
By simonslife


10k jogging, walking and meeting sheep, heifers and dogs and their walkers.
An interesting post “box”, the wheely-bin parked adjacent is almost 5 times the size. A sign of how much rubbish is produced and how often it is collected. These boots were definitely not made for walking! Cressida was pleased to see me but very wary of Dippy who likewise was wary of her.
The massive digestion tank is a sign of how much food we are producing, buying and throwing in our food waste bins!
A band of heavy rain decided to visit north Devon for the next hour or so.
Met briefly with L in Instow for an outdoor (after the deluge eased off!) prepared warm drink and homemade cake (+cream of course!) this being a gift from Vivian’s school friend who is staying here for a few days.
The sunshine was beautiful and warm with very little wind which attracted most of the dog walking fraternity within 50 miles of the beach. Three hours later and with a tired puppy and having made lots of friends I headed to a well known DIY store for some screws to make a simple repair job on Amadeus.
I was invited into the farmhouse for tea and a catchup. Once more Dippy curled up with his back against the AGA.
Thank you Chicken stew for another tasty meal, Dippy enjoyed a few morsels too.
More reorganising of Amadeus makes for easy access to certain items and a few more inches to allow for Dippy growing.

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