Guernsey Ka

By KarenBourgaize


What a Beautiful day, Sis picked me up, I left my washing doing, we went around and about, I saw this Lady sitting, of course I didn’t have my camera, so borrowed my sisters (we have the same cameras) she’s just sent this to me as I told her I’d put a picture of her in a Father Christmas seat as that’s all I had. Her camera was on a burst so there were lots to chose from, but Stonechats are such posers - they just sit and wait - oh she saw me but just waited. We went for coffee and a biscuit. We’d both made fruit cakes last week so we swapped a slice each to take home. We had a good old chat and it did us both good. Life isn’t always easy, friends come and go, but my sister is always by my side. Enough being maudlin.
We met a friend while having coffee, we both know through different situations. So we had a bit of a chat with her, in fact she’s one friend who has been a friend for many many years.

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