
By pandieb


I spent a short time logged onto my work email this morning as I needed to chase my boss up to arrange a meeting regarding my options when I go back to work in 10 days time (boo). I was hoping he'd be a bit more proactive than he has been, although I probably shouldn't really be surprised that it's me doing the running around, he's not that great as a people manager.  I did hear yesterday about a nationwide systems upgrade project that's just received the go ahead, so mentioned that as a possible. I'm not sure if I want it but it's a good high profile one with lots of potential to overspend and go wrong.

I also sorted out some running and racing admin for next year, finished the last of the FIVE loads of laundry that seem to have appeared, bought and sent the plethora of birthday cards I seem to need in November and wrote a food shopping list. I haven't yet made it to the shop, I'll save that excitement to tomorrow.

My achilles isn't up to running tonight so I'll get the TV remote to myself for a bit while Himself goes.

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