On our previous car we would swap between summer and winter tyres twice a year. Timing it was always tricky. You’d put winter tyres on and then it would be unseasonably warm, or you’d delay and get caught by an unexpected cold spell. It’s not that big a deal in Edinburgh (although we do live on top of a hill on a road that is *never* gritted or ploughed), but over the next couple of years we are likely to be making several winter trips up to the north of Scotland. Nothing crazy like trying to drive through snow drifts, but the extra security of a winter tyre is useful. However, this time rather than keep swapping to and fro, we’ve gone for ‘all weather’ tyres. Probably not quite as good in snow as real winter tyres, but hopefully good enough.
(The tyres in the photo are for a different car - I was just collecting mine)
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