Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Golden Hour In Pigeon Park

Rich and I were supposed to be going to a gig with Phil tonight but we've both been feeling a bit rubbish. Not full-blown ill, so we've still been working and such, just a bit sniffly and headachey and tired. However, we had also booked a table at Fat Hippo for their Beetlejuice inspired menu, so we decided to at least join Phil for that. Sadly they were out of the Beetljuice beer (spelling error intended as I assume Beetlejuice is a copyrighted spelling!) and the Beeflejuice burgers turned out to be slightly underwhelming. Still, twas nice to get out of the house, breathe some autumn air, and chat with Phil for a bit. 

Home now for the next movie in our 31 Day Horror Challenge; The Wicker Man.

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