
By Marionb

Maggie's Room....

.. With a View...

And mine too - the view that is....not the room. The room is still Maggie's..heh heh..In my absence, she took over the whole main floor! I am, however, allowed to sit on the sofa. And for some reason, she seems quite amenable to having her photo taken....?

About the view..The state of the garden was a big worry for me while I was in hospital. I knew it would be a mess by the time I got back home, and that I would never be able to get it in shape and ready for winter...but I worried for naught.

During my hospital stay, E, my neighbour who rescued my garden a couple of years ago and then moved away, offered to return for a couple of days to put things in order, and then once I was home again, S, a gardener by trade who lives around the corner offered to come and winterize it for me!   

So, that is the sight I see now when I look out back. (extra)..A very tidy garden ready for winter..and of course, ready for the falling of the leaves at which time S will return and rake!  

I am constantly in awe of the kindness of friends and neighbours who step up just when you need them, but having gardeners show up with offers like that? That was not on my radar! 

PS: I had chatted with S earlier in the year and he mentioned that when he cut back on his hours working in the city, he would make some time to help me out in my garden...I didn't realize it would be this year and this soon! His timing was impeccable! I sure hope he will be available again for projects next year...

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