If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Male Nuthatch ( Sitta europaea )

As Autumn and Winter draw on the blipable things in the garden begin to get less.  Our garden depends on greenery rather than flowers.   So you will probably see an increase in the number of bird shots.

Today I caught this male Nuthatch in a classic Nuthatch pose, it would have been better on a tree branch but you can't have everything.    Nuthatches seem to be a species benefiting from global warning.  When I was a lad first getting into bird study there weren't any in the county.  In the Bird Atlas published in the earlyn70s ther ewere about half a dozen records.  The Cumbria Bird Club Atlas of 19997 -2001 shows breeding in 18% of tetrads.  The Atlas of 2007 - 11 shows probable, possible and confirmed breeding in almost all tetrads.

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