Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Taj Mahal

(I've back-blipped yesterday as I couldn't get onto the wi-fi in the hotel last night.)

A very early start this morning, being collected at 5.15am, so that we could be at the Taj Mahal in time for sunrise.  It's odd; we all know what the Taj Mahal looks like, we've seen the photos, we've read the stories, but nothing really prepares you for standing there in front of it and seeing it for real.  A magnificent sight indeed; it is built on a raised plinth so that it will always be seen against the sky and not vegetation or other buildings, and it slightly changed colour as the sun rose.  Our guide told us a story about how, once completed, the man who had commissioned it as a mausoleum for his wife wanted to see it without the scaffolding but was told it would take a year to remove.  He asked for other quotes and was told it could be done in six months, or even three, but then he said he would get rid of it himself in three days.  He made it known that there was free scaffolding for anyone who wanted to take it and three days later it was gone!

We have now moved on to Jaipur.  On the way we stopped at the 'Stepped Well'; I've added an extra of it.  A fascinating place designed more as a receptacle for monsoon water than an actual well, but in reality more of a Ruler's relaxation area.

Just another quick write-up as we shortly have to go to dinner.  There was an excursion planned at 6.30pm to see some precious stones being worked but we decided we'd rather have that extra hour in the room.

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