Living my dream

By Mima

Cheese turns out acceptable

This is an early Blip. 

My friend F arrived last night and we chatted long into the evening. She has a high-powered job which means that she has to attend an online meeting this morning, poor thing. 

While she does the professional thing Bean and I are enjoying the sunshine and continued warmth while we can (7C is now tomorrow's forecast maximum temperature!). 

And I have cut into the first experimental Orkney Farmhouse Cheese. 

To my delight it actually tastes something like the real thing. It needs a wee bit more salt and it could probably do with another day or two to mature further, but it's not far off what I'm aiming for. 

In an extraordinary turn of events when I was floating about on the internet (as you do) I suddenly saw an image of the cover of the cookbook which contains the recipe which I had been looking for a couple of weeks ago. It was available from a second hand bookshop and I ordered it without a second thought. 

Now I wait impatiently for its arrival in a couple of weeks, so that I can compare my cobbled-together recipe with the real thing. And I will be able to use the latter to make the next attempt. 

I read Eliza Daley's By my Solitary Hearth most days, and some of her words resonate strongly with me. 

Earlier this week she wrote this:
I am not a big one on belief ... I care about correct practice, about doing what will spread the most good and what will most curtail harm. I don’t care if you believe the world is flat. I don’t care if you believe in eternal life after death. That’s all on you. I do care about what you do. I care about what I do. I care about reducing waste, about eliminating toxicity, about creating justice and parity, about making people happy, making this world healthy. I care about doing the work, the actual practice that will lead to these outcomes. I care a great deal about those who talk a good talk and never seem to walk anywhere…
…I have found that the world does not care what you believe. It cares what you do. If you aren’t doing what needs to be done to bring yourself within planetary limits, then it does not matter in the slightest what you say or think about those limits. And that is the real reason I must tend to the garden and prepare my own food and so on. I don’t believe in proper belief. I believe in the work done.


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