Cookin' in the kitchen

A few kids get to be Miss Andrea's helper in the kitchen every morning. I love it that this group all happens to be little boys. Yesterday they were learning how to peel apples and carrots for muffins. It's amazing what we take as a simple task is really hard at first. The kids in the school had those for snacks today. This morning they were learning how to wash, cut and put olive oil on tomatoes, and peppers. These were roasted and later Miss Andrea made tomato soup. The tomatoes were grown in our garden this year.
My extra was going to be my main until I got to participate for a while in the kitchen. The color on the clouds was amazing. I was waiting at my house but it was taking its time so I drove to school. I went inside and put my things away and then came back out to snap some photos. The rest of the day was pretty gloomy.

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