Capital adventures

By marchmont

Choose, before Thursday

I did swim this morning, it was very dark when I left, but I was glad I did as the pool was nearly empty. And I changed my Garmin back to logging metres not yards (don't know how it changed before) but glad to see still doing just over a minute for a length. 

Did some Mum admin and then back to the thankless task of researching phone handsets. I did manage to speak to someone at Currys for all of 30 seconds before the connection dropped. I also spoke to someone at HMRC and didn't really get a conclusive answer to my question. Basically, I have to make the decision. 

Put towels on to wash as I clearly hadn't ordered the start button when setting up the overnight wash. No chance of getting them outside though as it was grey and damp, very autumnal. 

Eventually went down to the Manor to see Mum and check out food, key box, chair and more b importantly talk to #1 d in l and wish her happy birthday. Also spoke to the girls, briefly. Home via Sainsbury's. It took 10 minutes to get out of the car park due to the continuing work at Cameron Toll but clearing Mayfield Rd is getting on apace and the double storey work portacabins that have been in Gordon Terrace for 5? years have gone. 

Back to mobile phones and I think I've come full circle between a Samsung and a Motorola and if course the one I'm going for is mainly out of stock!

Then finally got round to changing my bed, a job I loathe, and this time did press the start button. 

I seem to have developed an awful cough overnight. I bought some meds in Boots this morning but I've cancelled L tomorrow as once I start, I can't stop. 

Watched the end of Series 1 of Show Trial and HIGNFY, sitting in the front with candles on and the light in my tin pumpkin. The buses appear to have stopped, for good?. Have up and went to bed before 10. 

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