madwill's world

By madwill

A Mass Of Mushrooms

I walked through the little local wood this morning - fortunately the owner has cut a ‘gate’ through the fallen tree that I had to crawl under last time I went through. Spotted this fabulous colony growing at the base of a tree..had to use the flash to get enough light on them - it was almost dark!! 

We went to Monk’s Cross shopping centre this morning - to stock up on a few games and activities to keep the grandchildren entertained for a couple of days…we are minding them as it is half term!! Collecting them Sunday morning and returning them Monday tea time!! Hoping that we can get out a bit with them, but the forecast is not great - hence the indoor activities.
I may even find something other than fungi to blip!

We did go to Sainsbury’s for a few bits, and I discovered that all of our Nectar points have ‘disappeared’! Checked the card activity and found a 5000 point ‘spend’ (£25 worth) at a Sainsbury’s local in Hackney Wick (North London) on 5th September at 22:38 - neither I or Mrs madwill were there at the time. We both have our cards and have never lost them, so they can’t have been used.

The live chat support person said it is possible to just enter random digits until a valid card is found and then spend the points….can’t imagine that anyone could do that in a store - at the checkout…so no idea what has gone on…

Will wait to see if they refund the points after their investigation…

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