A wonderful birthday!
What a wonderful day we enjoyed today. Jen cooked us a delicious frittata for breakfast, then we took the Incline railway up to Lookout Mountain, which is a mountain ridge located at the point where the states of Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama come together. The Incline railway is an approximately 1 mile long single track system, except for a passing loop in the middle, and near the top reaches a maximum 72.7% grade, making it one of the steepest in the world. (See extra collage) The views from the top were extensive, though somewhat hazy. There were some amazing houses up at the top, along the cliff edge, affording the same spectacular views. I can’t imagine what they must cost!!
Next on our itinerary was the spectacular Ruby Falls, which are inside Lookout Mountain. You access them by an elevator descending 260 ft into the mountain, then take a half mile walk along a paved path to the foot of the falls, passing various other formations on the way. The total experience was better and more extensive than we expected. We skipped lunch since we were going out to eat in the evening, though we did treat ourselves to an ice cream! After our ice cream we went for a hike along the ridge, ending up at Sunset Rock ( see extra) affording some more wonderful views.
Our evening dinner was at a Mediterranean/Middle Eastern restaurant, which Jen had picked out from the internet and was excellent - she always makes good choices!
All in all, a great day
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