Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Family fun at BeWILDerwood. I love this place and the kids do too. We went on the boat to the Scaaary lake, got snorted at by Mildred the Crocklebog and then ran around all day. Luckily for us the local schools haven't broken up yet so it was quite quiet in the park.

The kids explored the zip wires and then the Tricky Tunnels, before heading on the to the den making area. There they made a great den, with daddy's help, but they were very reluctant to stop to have their photo taken. They then both dressed up as a Boggle and a Twiggle to take part in the story telling (William joining in with gusto!).

After lunch we went across the Broken Bridge to the Muddle Maze, it didn't take us as long to find the way out this year! On to the Twiggle Village and the tree houses and then the Slippery Slopes. There they played for ages, running around and making friends with a couple of other kids. Both of mine went on drop slides and although the photos aren't of the greatest quality I will keep them because their faces make me laugh every time. Sheer terror followed by big grins of relief at having survived!

This is us on the way back to the boat to take us home past the Boggle Village, the Grubble camp and Witch Hazel's house. fun was had by all and the kids were absolutely knackered filthy by the end.

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