michigan man

By outdoorguy

Yellow on White

The morning prep for the colonoscopy went as well as it could. I just don't like drinking so much of the "tastes like cherry" liquid.

The procedure went well, but did show that the diverticulitis is still there, and I probably will have an operation in the near future.

After 1.5 days of not eating, it was nice to stop at Chick-fil-A on the way home. I wanted to take a picture of the sign up at the GI lab that read...IT'S OK TO FART for my blip, but after coming out of the operating room a little light-headed...I forgot.

I am sitting now (8 p.m.) watching TV, and sure enough...they must pump a lot of air into you during the oscopy, because my stomach is REALLY talking up a storm...A RIP-SNORTING STORM!

Glad it's over.

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