Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


I had two choices for my feild trip today. I could go with the main group and look at fossils, or I could go to Whitby and then to a museum at Scarborough. Given the fact that the fossil trip required a half hour walk to reach it, I decided that on the slight chance that my health problem could kick in, having a fall, on rocks, half an hour from a road would not be a good thing so I went with the "alternative learning experience" and had a lovely day in Whitby.

We did do very good work on the beach at Whitby but it was a lot less strenous. The driver got us lost on the way home though so after an 8am start we were back with only just enough time to eat dinner and head back to the labs for two more hours of tutorials.

Exhausted now, will be very much looking forward to an evening with no tutorials on Wednesday but it does mean I'll have a later night tomorrow getting my feild notebook in order ready for marking.

Today's blip is of the East Cliff at Whitby. It is a succession of Permian rocks consisting of Allum Shale member, the Dogger Formation and the Saltwick Formation. Doesn't it have some lovely banding? There's a fault line runs pretty much down the river mouth and so to the West of the peir (where this was taken) there is a whole different section of rocks that were laid down during sea level rise at a braided river basin.

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