
By ArcLight

Empty "street"

Well the new "street" right opposite us is almost finished and on Sunday it was possible to see it as it will never be seen again once people move in - i.e. without people.

Mr A's blips give a sense of what it is like during the working week, but on Saturday a crew spent the entire day power washing the bricks and slabs out of which the road and pavement surfaces have been constructed and fixing various bits and pieces, including putting up a sign announcing that this is "Platform". As will be evident from this blip, they still haven't sorted out the square hole in the corner that was left during the build. I originally thought that was for a light, but it seems not. Let's see what happens.

Another day of recovery from jet lag and travelling. We benefited from the extra hour in bed. I then forced myself to do a peloton workout early doors, but it was a very very gentle one. Just a matter of keeping the legs spinning, somehow, for 30 minutes. I also walked across to the shops later on.

Later on, we watched a few episodes of WDYTYA. I found it hard to stay awake in my chair watching moving pictures, although annoyingly once I got to bed I found it a little hard to get to sleep.

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