I hear thunder

Day 2 in Londinium included a lovely surprise.
I had arranged to meet H (at the champagne bar in St Pancras of course) for a day of culture, shopping and food/drink.
The culture went very quickly pear shaped because the Wellcome Trust had decided the summer months were the perfect time to shut down most of their displays and tart them up. So it took all of 10 minutes to look at the plasticised slice of a man (definitely male) the self portrait of a testicular scar and some weird 3D brain art before we hit the coffee shop.
The coffee shop had a great surprise waiting, friend E (H's sister*) emerged to join us and so the three of us headed off towards second hand book shops and eventually Covent Garden and a roof top bar (had to shelter from the intermittant but heavy thundery storms somewhere & why not the top of one of the highest buildings in the area...)
It was a great day out, tapas for lunch and curry for tea, tomorrow there's a bat walk planned...don't expect a blip of that!

* keep up at the back

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