curns' corner

By curns


My first real job in London was working for an audio distribution company. We sent commercials to radio stations nationwide using satellites and clever software that controlled tape recorders at those stations. There was no commercial internet then, and the software landscape was very different. Part of my interview process was to show that I could use Word on a Windows 3.1 machine. The software controlling the audio distribution didn’t have a graphical interface; it was all F-keys and typing codes.

This week one of the people responsible for building that software, has been in London. He left many years ago and now works for big tech. Tonight, he and I met up. I joked that we probably couldn’t talk much about what he does, and so we reminisced.

I was running a bit late because we also had some after-work drinks. The venue chosen to meet was the Cahoots-themed cocktail bar in Soho. Tables need to be reserved, and there's always a queue. I was unsure of the etiquette when the rest of the party was already underground, but thankfully, I did not have to join the line and was escorted down to join the table.

We had a lovely evening. It was nice to see people I hadn't connected with for years, and it was easy to get back into conversation. I am sure the cocktails helped. I don’t remember the first cocktail that was served with (what seemed like) some straw, but the second was an intensely spicy Bloody Mary. When our allocated time was done, we moved on for a beer in a nearby pub.

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