Eiliadau fel y rhain
Eiliadau fel y rhain ~ Moments like these
“Be in love with the moments of your life.”
― Matthew Knisely, (Ivan Klíma, Waiting for the Dark, Waiting for the Light)
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Rydw i wedi dechrau gwnaed bara eto. Rydyn ni wedi cael cwpl o wythnosau o fara 'masnachol' a wedi penderfynu bod ein bara yn well. Rydw i'n edrych ymlaen at ceisio'r fara newydd and yn gobeithio y fyden ni ddim yn cael ein siomi.
Es i at y meddyg heddiw. Gwnaeth e fesur fy mhwysedd gwaed a rhagnodi rhywfaint o feddyginiaeth i fi. Gwelodd e fel digon difrifol i ysgrifennu rhagnodyn, ond roedd e'n ofalus i ragnodi dos isel. Doedd e ddim eisiau chwalu fy mhwysedd gwaed i lawr. Felly rydw i'n ar y system nawr a bydd yn gwirio gyda fi o dro i dro. Da iawn.
Dw i'n meddwl roedd y fferyllydd yn dda iawn, yn gyflym ac yn feddylgar hefyd. Sylwodd hi roedd dyddiad yn ysgrifennu ar y presgripsiwn, ac yn sylweddoli ei fod e'n ddyddiad fy apwyntiad nesa, ac yn gwneud siŵr ei roi i fi yn ôl. Rydw i'n gwerthfawrogi eiliadau fel y rhain,.
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I've started making bread again. We have had a couple of weeks of 'commercial' bread and have decided that our bread is better. I'm looking forward to trying the new bread and hope we won't be disappointed.
I went to the doctor today. He measured my blood pressure and prescribed me some medicine. He saw it as serious enough to write a prescription, but he was careful to prescribe a low dose. He didn't want to crash my blood pressure down. So I'm on the system now and he'll check in with me from time to time. Very good.
I think the pharmacist was very good, quick and thoughtful too. She noticed there was a date written on the prescription, and realised it was the date of my next appointment, and made sure to give it back to me. I appreciate moments like these.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Dail lliwgar ar coeden ger y nant yn y pentref, Eglwys Newydd (Whitchurch)
Description (English): Colourful leaves on a tree near the stream in the village, Whitchurch
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