Play of Light
Oh I really LOVE the Painter..AND as far as I am concerned he can stay and paint forever BUT it would have to be in the same place all the time.
This is 'Cos he is painting where I usually have my house.
My bed is in my house.
Therefore I can't sleep in my bed.
So The Bossess has moved it to somewhere paint free.
This is in their bedroom.
Heh heh heh
Oh and The Boss exchanged The Bossess's email today for a short violent period of stress and a short nervous breakdown but ultimate grudging approval. He would have preferred to exchange it for something more pleasant and is looking for the application form that seems to have been mislaid in the Bossess's office.
This image was grabbed on our "after lunch but please be back by 3.00 pm" walk and mini stickathon. Oh and with climate change high on the list, guess what The Boss did THEN?????
Mowed the lawns.
Come and play?
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