
By HClaireB


We ended our journey in Reykjavik. It was sad leaving the ship as you get to know people very well after 11 days at sea. We had a few hours in downtown Reykjavik before flying back to London on IcelandAir. After seeing Bob20's shot of Hallgrimskirkja on 21 February, it was top of the list to visit. What stunning architecture! I have chosen a different angle to photo and (sorry Bob) the sky is blue. In fact it was a lovely day in Iceland. The average daily maximum temperature in Reykjavik in July is 13 degrees C. Yesterday it was 15 degrees in the shade but the sun was intense and it felt wonderful! One of the main pedestrianized streets leads from the church down to the harbour, and it's full of interesting shops selling local pottery, silver and knitwear - very stylish! We'll have to come back!

If you missed my backblip for Monday in Heimaey, it's here.

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