The houses in my street had a little WhatsApp chat this week about what was the right amount of sweeties to give out. As with these things, answers varied, some made me laugh, some made me snigger. All life is on the group chat.
One person was bold and said our street was the best street for decorations and Halloween fun. My thought (because I never joined in the chat) was... unlikely mate.
This morning I was up and out early for my own fright trip to the hairdressers. Orange, spikey and a hint of goooo please. I walked along the street and by the end my wee chops were sair with smiling. They really had gone to town in a very British way - although we are becoming more American with our decorations.
My extra is the more refined, very Morningside version of Halloween decorations.
May your hair stand on end, your broom circle the garden and your pumpkins be ablaze with chocolate glory!
P.s. he is yet to notice the new hair, despite a drastic change and knowing that's where I was going.
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